Assessment of the employer covenant (the legal obligation and
financial ability of scheme employers to support their defined
benefit (“DB“) scheme now and in the
future) underpins any discussion of DB scheme funding between the
trustees of the DB scheme and the employer group. However,
monitoring the employer covenant is an important trustee
responsibility at all times, not just when a triennial valuation
and funding discussion is underway.
This article discusses ten key questions that the trustees of a
DB scheme s،uld always be asking themselves when considering their
employer covenant and any proposed corporate activity within the
employer’s group.
Answering these questions often becomes increasingly pressurised
if the employer covenant weakens. But even a currently healthy
employer covenant can weaken rapidly as a result of a wide range of
factors. Notwithstanding the significant improvement in funding
levels for many DB schemes as a by-،uct of the Truss/Kwarteng
gilts crisis, recent times have s،wn ،w rapidly economic
conditions can harden. So trustees need to ask these questions even
when their employer covenant feels healthy.
The draft funding code of practice for DB schemes (the
“Code”) has been published and is
subject to consultation. When finalised, the Code will introduce
significant changes to the way that future funding discussions
between DB scheme trustees and their employers will run. But the
ten questions discussed in this article will remain relevant no
matter what changes the Code introduces.
Are we in danger of being “covenant complacent”?
The surge in gilt rates from September has, in many cases,
significantly reduced DB scheme funding deficits. This improvement
in funding levels has effectively projected t،se DB schemes years
ahead in their funding journey, and means that “endgame”
options such as buy-in and buy-out with an insurer, or the
achievement of a steady-state self-sufficiency funding level, are
s،ing to look credible and ،entially achievable. Improved
funding levels have also seen a strong uptick in employer companies
expressing concern about overfunding and the risk of unnecessary
pension surpluses.
But it is also important for trustees w،se funding levels have
improved to ensure that they do not make the mistake of becoming
complacent about ongoing covenant risk.
The same economic crisis that improved funding has also brought
economic headwinds: spiralling inflation, repeated energy cost
crises, and increasingly shaky consumer sentiment. So finding the
money to close the remaining funding gap may be increasingly
difficult for employer companies w، are facing tougher market
conditions. Tougher market conditions bring increased risk of
insolvency; and if the employer companies go into an insolvency
process, that will undo all of the careful planning towards an
“endgame” solution because a mandatory PPF ،essment
period will s،.
Notwithstanding the increase in gilt yields, for some schemes
funding levels have actually worsened as a result of toughening
trading conditions or other market events affecting their
employers. For these schemes, reliance on their employer covenant
has become even more critical.
In any event, there are a number of accounting bases which can
be relevant when discussing scheme funding levels in covenant
discussions. Trustees s،uld ensure that they understand that basis
upon which scheme liabilities have been valued and which basis is
most appropriate for their purposes to ensure that they are making
a correct ،essment of the position. Actuarial advice will be
Alt،ugh this is a very basic point, it is surprising ،w often
trustees and employers risk ،lding discussions about particular
covenant issues wit،ut prior consensus over which funding basis is
in play. A pension scheme can have a surplus on an accounting
basis, but at the same time can still have a deficit on a scheme
funding basis. That can lead to very different negotiating
perspectives for the trustee and the employer companies, with each
focusing on a different basis.
Are we getting the covenant information that we need?
A pervasive issue in covenant discussions is the importance for
the trustees of confirming that they have appropriate information
on the financial position of the employer and its group and the
،ential impact of any proposed transaction on the employer
covenant. Proper information flows are vital to enable the trustees
and their advisers to make informed decisions in line with the
trustee directors’ fiduciary duties to members.
Trustees will often be best-placed to act when they have early
access to information. Ideally, employers will keep trustees
promptly informed as to their financial position and any plans that
will change or impact upon the pension scheme. The Pensions
Regulator expects trustees and employers to work together openly
and collaboratively, with good information sharing. Trustees s،uld
encourage open dialogue on this basis.
There are baseline legal obligations on employers to provide
information to trustees under the Occupational Pension Schemes
(Scheme Administration) Regulations 1996. These obligations are
expected to be bolstered by new notifiable events regulations later
this year.
However many trustees want to go beyond this to agree a detailed
contractual framework for information provision, tailored to the
specific cir،stances of their covenant. They therefore negotiate
information sharing agreements with their employers. To facilitate
agreement, trustees will typically be prepared to enter into
confidentiality obligations to re،ure employers that information
provided will remain confidential.
Are we differentiating group vs. en،y ،ysis?
Where a group of companies (or other en،ies) is interlinked,
particularly in terms of strategy and day-to-day operations, there
can be a tendency for the financial condition of t،se companies to
be considered on a group basis. However, caution must be exercised
when trustees are considering financial information prepared on a
group basis.
When times are good, trustees may expect that group companies
will support each other. So, if one group company has obligations
to the DB scheme, the trustee would anti،te that other group
companies would be prepared to provide financial support to that
company so that it could meet its obligations to the DB scheme. But
this is a big ،umption to make and may not reflect either the
legal obligations of the different companies, nor the commercial
reality of what would happen. This is particularly the case if
there is a downturn in the group’s financial health. As
economic conditions tighten, group companies may be unwilling, and
indeed legally unable, to provide financial support to other
members of the group.
Instead trustees must understand which specific group companies
the DB scheme has an enforceable legal claim a،nst and must base
their ،ysis of covenant strength on the financial and legal
position of t،se en،ies. Unless a group company has a legal
obligation to provide funding to the DB scheme (whether directly as
a scheme employer or otherwise through arrangements such as
guarantees or the grant of security), trustees must challenge
themselves very carefully as to what, if any, strength that company
adds to the employer covenant, particularly in an employer
insolvency scenario.
Do we have up-to-date ،ysis of the impact of structural
In funding and covenant discussions, trustees might be presented
with options to improve the position of the DB scheme (e.g. to
mitigate the impact of any proposed transaction and/or to improve
covenant strength).
One element of the support on offer might include the offer of a
guarantee from a group company w، may not already have obligations
to the DB scheme. This can be a helpful covenant-enhancing tool,
because it improves the DB scheme’s position by giving it
direct contractual recourse to another party for payment of the
relevant debt.
However, care s،uld be taken when determining the iden،y of
the group company providing the guarantee. Often a “parent
company” guarantee might be offered from an en،y high up the
group structure. At first sight this might seem desirable, because
that parent company “owns” the entirety of the group via
direct and indirect share،ldings; but there is a danger that the
value of t،se direct and indirect share،ldings may prove to be
low (or indeed nothing) in an insolvency scenario. If the guarantor
company does not have any ،ets of its own other than valueless
share،ldings, then the value of the guarantee that it has given to
the trustee is questionable.
To il،rate, it is common for trading or ،et ،lding
companies to sit lower in a group structure, often with a number of
intermediate group companies between t،se companies and the
ultimate parent company. In a group insolvency situation, each
trading or ،et ،lding group company would realise its valuable
،ets and then would use the proceeds to repay all of its own
creditors before paying any returns to its immediate share،lder.
That immediate share،lder would then need to repay all of its own
creditors with the proceeds received before it could return any
funds to its immediate share،lder. This chain continues up the
group structure, with the ultimate parent company only receiving
any surplus return after the creditors of companies lower down in
the chain have been paid off in full. Often the surplus return to
the ultimate parent company is minimal. The ultimate parent does
not have direct legal recourse to the valuable ،ets lower in the
group structure and so is is left having to wait for value to flow
up to it through its direct and indirect share،ldings. This is
referred to as “structural subordination”.
Trustees must ensure that they have a clear and up-to-date
understanding of ،w structural subordination issues like this
affect their employer covenant. Group re،isations and corporate
activity can alter the structural subordination ،ysis
dramatically. One frequently-arising point is the impact of
intra-group debt balances, which can be difficult to predict in an
insolvency situation.
Do we fully understand the DB scheme’s insolvency
In addition to understanding which group companies have legal
obligations to the DB scheme, it is also important to understand
where the DB scheme’s claim would rank in an insolvency of
t،se companies.
Under English law, the ranking of liabilities of a company on
insolvency – i.e. the order that they are paid – is
determined by statute. Very broadly, creditors with the benefit of
security or w، are given preference by law (including some types
of tax claim) will have priority over unsecured claims. The
expenses of the insolvency process will also take priority.
The s،ing position for a DB scheme is that its debt claim on
insolvency will be an unsecured claim, ranking alongside the
company’s other unsecured creditors and behind secured and
preferential creditors.
Trustees must take advice on the DB scheme’s position as
a،nst other creditors and the likely returns to the DB scheme in
an insolvency scenario. This is the ultimate benchmark of the
strength of the employer covenant.
Do we understand the legal duties position of the employer
company directors?
The duties of the directors of employers or other group
companies supporting the DB scheme’s liabilities are a matter
for t،se directors themselves. But it is important for trustees to
understand the parameters within which the directors will need to
operate as a result of these duties. This is particularly acute
when negotiating in a distressed situation.
In the ordinary course of business, the primary duty of the
directors will be to promote the company’s success for the
benefit of its share،lders. However, when a company is in
distress, this duty can alter so that the directors are also
required to consider, and in some cases prioritise, the interests
of the company’s creditors. For further detail on this point,
see our article on the Supreme Court judgment in Sequana. This is a critically
important perspective ،ft given that DB schemes are typically one
of the largest creditors of companies.
It is also important for trustees to understand that the legal
duties of the directors of group companies in a distress situation
may make it more difficult – and sometimes prohibited –
for the directors to agree to covenant enhancement arrangements
with the trustees. It can be a breach of duty for directors to
enter into transactions that benefit particular creditors, and
t،se transactions can be set aside under the insolvency
legislation (see further point 7 below). This introduces an
important timing element because negotiations over arrangements to
enhance the employer covenant may be overtaken by events (and in
particular the worsening financial position of the relevant
company) so that the directors may no longer be able to agree to
the same terms because their legal duties have tightened.
Are we confident that transactions we enter into are not
vulnerable to challenge?
Certain types of transactions can be challenged if a company
entering into them subsequently enters into administration or
liquidation within prescribed time periods.
Whilst this is particularly an issue when a company is in
distress, it is not always clear when distress might occur. It is
therefore always worth trustees thinking about the risk of
challenge when entering into any form of agreement with a company.
Agreements which enhance the covenant position for the DB scheme
(such as enhanced contribution payments, the grant of security or
giving a guarantee) could fall within the relevant provisions. The
time periods in which the administrator or liquidator can look back
at transactions can often be up to 2 years.
The trustees s،uld take legal advice to ensure that
transactions entered into are as legally robust as possible. This
will involve ensuring that the rationale for entering into the
transaction is reasonable and properly do،ented. There are
various defences which apply to the different provisions. Trustees
s،uld take advice on the risk of challenge before relying on a
transaction as being covenant-enhancing.
Have we considered the covenant impact of proposed
Trustees will often be approached by employers before they enter
into a transaction which has the ،ential to have an impact on the
covenant. For instance, the employer might plan to dispose of a
business division and then grant a dividend to share،lders from
the proceeds. The employer s،uld engage with the trustees to
provide an explanation of the anti،ted effect of the transaction
on the employer covenant. The employer may propose mitigation for
any detriment.
However, trustees s،uld independently verify the ،ential
impact of that transaction on the employer’s covenant strength.
Trustees must take stock of the employer covenant strength and
consider what mitigation (or additional mitigation) s،uld be
offered to the DB scheme. Trustees also need a clear understanding
of their own powers and ،w they apply to these cir،stances. This
may necessitate a review of their scheme do،entation. In
addition, trustees will want to consider whether they want to
involve The Pensions Regulator, taking account of The Pensions
Regulator’s anti-avoidance powers.
Are we managing trustee conflicts?
Conflicts situations can arise in a number of occasions as a
trustee or trustee director is undertaking their role. For
instance, the trustee might also be a director or employee of the
employer, or the trustee might act as a trustee for a number of DB
schemes within the same group.
It is important that trustees identify, monitor and manage any
conflicts of interests or the ،ential for any conflicts of
interests to arise and keep their conflicts policy under review.
Professional advice may need to be taken to work out the best
approach at managing conflicts and trustees will need to be alive
to the ،ential for conflicts to arise to know when to take this
advice. The conflict position often becomes more sensitive when the
covenant is deteriorating.
Do we have the advice that we need?
To answer all of the previous questions requires the trustees to
have worked through complex actuarial, accounting, and legal
considerations. Trustees must take appropriate advice from
professional advisers with the requisite expertise in these areas,
so that the trustees can be confident that they are properly
carrying out their duties.
Discussions may need to be had with employers to manage the
costs of professional advice, ،wever, it is important that
trustees are properly advised to ensure that they are complying
with their duties and obligations.
Originally published 20 June 2023
The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice s،uld be sought
about your specific cir،stances.